Insulin Compatibility
The following is a list of insulin compatibility in the same syringe:
Type of Insulin Compatibile Insulins Incompatibile Insulins
Aspart (Novolog) NPH Glargine (Lantus)
Lispro (Humalog) NPH, Ultralente Glargine (Lantus)
Regular NPH, Lente, Ultralente Glargine (Lantus)
NPH Aspart, Regular, Lispro Glargine (Lantus), Lente, Ultralente
Lente Regular, Ultralente Glargine (Lantus), NPH
Glargine (Lantus) None All Insulins
Ultralente Lente, Lispro, Regular Glargine (Lantus), NPH
Insulin Kinetics
Type of Insulin Onset Peak Duration
Rapid Acting      
Lispro (Humalog) 15 minutes 0.5-1.5 hours 6-8 hours
Aspart (Novolog) 30 minutes 1-3 hours 3-5 hours
Short Acting      
Regular 30-60 minutes 2-3 hours 8-12 hours
Intermediate Acting      
NPH 60-90 minutes 4-12 hours 24 hours
Lente 1-2.5 hours 8-12 hours 18-24 hours
Long Acting      
Ultralente 4-8 hours 16-18 hours > 36 hours
Glargine (Lantus) 1-2 hours N/A 24 hours
Novolin 70/30 (Regular & NPH) 30 minutes 2-12 hours 24 hours
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